Tuesday, August 14, 2007

As of 2am today/last night, I am "officially" very single and very lonely and very, very sad.

There is really nothing about breaking up that feels good. Not one thing.


Aaron S. said...

Sorry to hear...

Ofelia said...

I am sad now.

Paradox Philic said...

Hey girl, keep the faith!
Yeah , nothing lasts for ever , but thankfully this applies equally to single status , sadness and the gloom!
So there!
Grieve , cry , mourn for some time....Get it out of your system ..and Move on!

And i am saying all this cos i know what it feels like (going through similar phase in my life , yet again!)

MadisonGlass said...


...how long do you have until you can take it out on your students?

amber said...

Thank you all for your support.