Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vampire Diaries

In my netflix, yesterday, I received the film Thirst, a Korean vampire flick from director Chan-Wook Park-- the man who brought us the Vengeance Trilogy (see Oldboy, his most famous, but also Lady Vengeance & Sympathy for Mr. Revenge).

Oldboy is probably the film most notorious for freaking me the fuck out. It was brilliant. Beautifully directed. Incredible performances. Poignant storyline. You know... the kind of film that actually makes you question certain values, or consider where they may be problematized.

So yesterday, I probably should have focused my energies on doing the dishes, or reading student poems, or even reading for my own classes... but I couldn't muster the mental energy after 8 hours in an office answering phones & writing emails. Especially since I had to leave in 2 hours for a blues dancing class. So, I decided to dig my heels in a freaky vampire world...

People who know me may know that I love movies, good or bad, & so watch a lot of them. But, honestly, it had been a while since I'd watched a movie that, from the first hint of song, delicate flutes over a black screen, the first frame of a white wall, its door, the shadow of a barren tree silhouetted, I knew was going to be stunning.

And the movie did not disappoint. The only downfall is the gross-out factor. I don't scare, but I "ew"-- and spewing bloody vomit over & over does leave it's mark. Perfect for the film, & I wish it wouldn't bug me as much as it does, alas...

When the movie was over I went to a blues dancing class. Think Dirty Dancing-- meaning hip to hip with strangers. Some people were fine, with others, less comfortable. Especially when 20 something boys, with a fine layer of sweat, emanating a sweet-rancid stench, start talking about how it's so hard to meet single ladies in Boise. Gag me. Just don't put your slimy mitts on my bra strap again.


In other news, I made a randy ginger fried rice last night. It was slammin'...

I've also read the following:

Gilian Conoley, PROFANE HALO
Travis Nichols, IOWA
Shannon Compton, FOR GIRLS & OTHERS


But I'm still, as yet, uncompelled to write anything.

But C. McCallister Williams' chap, WILLIAM SHATNER, is in progress. And it's going to be beautiful.


. said...

you love bad movies?

amber said...

Oh yeah... few things are more fulfilling than a bad movie night. Check Barbarella. Or, more recently, Dragon Wars or How She Moves. Direct to video Kung Fu or Dance Flicks often provide the best badness, though the teen movie genre has been sometimes lucrative in that area. They have the best bad dialogue.

. said...

i generally find it impossible to consume anything i dislike, so i am intrigued by your attitude.

amber said...

Well... the thing is, I don't dislike them. There's value (and crazy entertainment) in their badness. take, gossip girl, for example. it's interesting sociologically-- partially because it's soooo so bad, and partially because I think the writers/creators/actors know it... unlike 90210, say, where they don't. I cannot participate in 90210.

Then there is something like Barbarella. Old Jane Fonda movie-- and it's hi-freaking-larious. I mean... absurd sex planet, crazy orgasm machines, and the best bad dialogue ever. I've rarely laughed so hard at a movie, especially one that was trying to be funny. Throw in 70's versions of "futuristic" outfits and you've got yourself a real gem.

Now let's look at modern cult phenomenon, like Twilight. WA terribly written book, followed by an equally terribly written movie. Then throw in an award winning director (Christine Hardwick of THIRTEEN), and a cast that pairs indie movie (Kristin Stewart coming off several big & small indie flicks, & the blond vampire chic who actually wrote THIRTEEN when she was thirteen, then starred in the movie) & teen movie actors (Peter Facinelli of Can't Hardly Wait), and you have yourself what has the potential to be an at least moderately well performed film & nicely directed. Instead you get a movie that's remedially directed with some of the worst performances I've ever seen-- part of which can certainly be attributed to bad dialogue.

The real thing is that I would rather watch a really good or a really bad movie. But a mediocre movie always leaves me cold.

. said...

did thirteen win an award?

nikki reed is a stone fox.

amber said...

...perhaps it did not... but I know it was nominated.

& yes, she is mos definitely of the foxy.

. said...

have you seen lords of dogtown?

i feel like maybe i should.

amber said...

I didn't. It's been on my list. I did, however, watch DOGTOWN & Z-BOYS (not Hardwicke, I know), and it was interesting. I've always been compelled to see how it turns out in comparison. We should both watch it & meet to discuss.

. said...

i feel willing to attempt watching it, but if it doesn't appeal to me then i won't be able to finish it. and while i appreciate your offer for discussion, i'm not sure how much fun that would be for you, as i am of the painfully reticent variety.

amber said...

No worries, friend. Attempting to watch it is probably enough. If you're interested in skateboarding culture, etc, that is.

. said...

are you interested in skateboarding culture?

amber said...

Well, I wouldn't say I've invested a lot of energy into it. But it's interesting enough.

. said...

i concur.