Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lunch with a Married Man from Work

When I try to protest
he pays anyway
then puts his hand on my arm

His hands are hard.

I tell him
I eat noodles all the time

with my boyfriend.

He smiles a lot
and tells me 'anything
for you.'

I say, you probably say that
to all the girls.

I ask him about his children.
I ask him his wife's name.
I say I eat noodles all the time

with my boyfriend.


MadisonGlass said...

Yucky. Awkward. What a shit.

amber said...

It was awkward.

When I first read your comment I thought 'yucky' was for the poem.

It wasn't for the poem. Was it?

MadisonGlass said...

NO. Yucky man. Yucky yucky man.

amber said...

ah. good. :)