Tuesday, October 27, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemonade

...life gets tasty...

My readings were glorious and the poets lovely and I was honored to be a part of it.


You can read a poem from what will be my thesis here.

You can read my very first chapbook ever on h_ngm_n with some other really fabulous work, thanks to nate pritts, the lovely gent who agreed to publish it. If you scroll to the bottom of the page here you'll find it in .pdf format. I'm very, very excited about this. And proud. And grateful.

My first print chap is forthcoming (on some elusive 2010 date) from Publishing Genius, which is also of the rad.

And alice blue, my love, my pet, is working on launching itself as a press. Eventually this fall (should have been by the end of October, but man everything is taking longer than anticipated)-- another in the Spring. And then the first official alice blue full-length manuscript open reading period.

Oh yeah. And I'm guest-editing SLOPE. Check it out.

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