Monday, June 27, 2011

Oooh. Updates and stuff...

I wrote an essay about Ofelia Hunt's Today & Tomorrow. It's called "Robots, the Scientific Method, and Dying."

You can read it here: Lit Pub.

I also read an excerpt from Stacy Doris' new book, The Cake Part, available from Publication Studio. She's an amazing poet. Also check out her other books, like Paramour and Conference. Her new book, The Cake Part, is available from Publication Studio.

You can see some other totally awesome people read excerpts from the book as well.

Monday, June 6, 2011


L A K E D, F I E L D E D, B L A N K E D by Brooklyn Copeland

You can get a copy of your very own right here: alice blue books

While you are there, check out Issue 14.