Thursday, December 11, 2008

I haven't blogged in a while. I know. Mostly, it was a combination of two things: 1) my growing weary of the narcissism. 2) Being ridiculously busy.

Perhaps I've made my peace with both, I don't know. Or perhaps, in the wasteland that is Boise, I find I just need a place to breath a little, separate from all the things I find myself buried in here.

Either way... here I be...

It's been a long, long semester. I took two classes, and an independent study (to run cold.drill and the related Mouth & Thistle reading series)...and I taught two classes, and I worked at The Cabin writing the grants and answering the phones. I've mostly given up on sleep, exercise, romance of any kind.

But I did write. Or, at least, for most of the semester until a particularly destructive encounter. I wrote an essay that I think I want to make into a book. I started the series that I hope to be my thesis. I stopped talking to people unless they were in a classroom or an office.

I go home for three weeks on Sunday and I've never been so excited for anything in my whole life, I don't think. I might actually read something for pleasure. I might actually get some writing, post-destruction, done. Maybe even blog again? Who knows...

And then I will return for chaos anew. All kinds of new, more difficult classes.

But hey... there's summer in some distant future, right? Then there's hawaiian shaved ice and cheap movie tuesday and so you think you can dance! God, what a beautiful dream!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

hey check this shit out

my poems at coconut (plus some effing hot work by other poets!)


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

submit to cold-drill... i'm the poetry editor. woo!

I'm rocking editor-ship this year.

email submissions to:

have "Poetry Submission" in the subject.

See: for the full submission guidelines.