Friday, October 26, 2007

Coconut 10 is up!

And now available: Coconut Books!

It just keeps getting better & better!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cold-Drill, Accepting Submissions

Cold-Drill seeks fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction from the traditional to the experimental & strives to publish work that goes beyond the obvious, that provokes & stimulates readers.

Submissions are read from September 15 to January 5. Include a SASE for response. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by appropriate SASE.

Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: up to 20 pages.
Poetry: up to 8 poems.

Currently, no electronic submissions. Send submissions to:

fiction, nonfiction, poetry editor
department of english
boise state university
1910 university drive
boise, id 83725